What you see when lying on yer side in da bed of a cruising pickup truck and watching da "rhythmically-wavy" line of da roadside utility-service cables going past.
If it had been da infamous "Hot Rod Lincoln" (as opposed to just a "regular" or "everyday" vehicle traveling at a "normal" 50-to-60 miles per hour) dat an observer had been riding in when watching da passing electric-wires, said wires would probably have resembled a "rapid heartbeat" EKG-line rather than just a moderate-speed "Pole-dowwwwwn,uhhhhhp-pole-dowwwwwn,uhhhhhp-pole..." --- da song specifically states dat "da telephone poles looked like a picket fence".
Pole dancing originated in the deep forests of russia. This art form started when bears would chase men, children and woman up a tall tree. to pass the time one would start to dance. and thus pole dancing was born. russia still holds the world record for longest dance on a pole by the oldest woman still pole dancing, she is 54 years old.
pole dancing
to pole dance or to dance on a pole. that is the question
To cling to a piece of street furniture while chundering.
Not to be confused with showing affection to Polish people.
See also: talking to god on the Great White Telephone.
Oh, god, oh, god, I need to hug a pole right now!
A person that watches the pole..
Barry said watch that pole..
Get off my pole says Barry I'm watching the pole step aside please..
Me: what are you looking at Barry??
Barry: I'm head of the pole watchers club I am looking at that pole over there how big and long..
Me: oh you really do like poles huh..
Barry said smake that bitch up side the head with your pole that'll teach her.. dam pole smoker
A person whom enjoys climbing up and down on a dick and yodels while doing so.
Did you hear about Jane becoming a meat pole mountaineer last weekend?
When a boy or girl sucks dick
Boy: man I need a good pole waxing
Girl: I would love to be ur pole waxer
To flawlessly and vigorously perform a Hand Job.
This weekend I gave my boyfriend the best pole bapping of his life.