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Rage Punch

Illegal in all 50 states, Rage Punch is a mixture of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill and 5 Hour Energy. This glorious concoction takes and ordinary night and turns in into something extraordinary. It transforms the user into a raging, yelling machine. When taken to the dome-piece, the user is first overcome by a state of euphoria, accompanied by a tingling sensation all over. Then, from deep down, the very depths of one's soul, a yell emanates. This yell, incapable of being comprehended by modern science, has been touted by some as a religious experience. From that first yell on, the user begins only what can be described as a "shock and awe" campaign. He dances like he never danced before. He yells at the top of his lungs, frightening women and young children. Through this yell, the utmost sign of virility, some users have reported impregnating women by this glorious sound alone. This tonic must be used correctly, however. It must be consumed with friends; there must be others on your level, because it is indeed lonely at the top.

Say bra, want to whip up some Rage Punch and suckle from the teat of life?

I don't know man. Last time I raged, I woke up next to a Boot rat and my penis has never been the same.

by Willy MF D. April 23, 2010

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Powers Punch

(noun) the feeling a male gets when his jaw hits the floor as a result of being told his now ex-girlfriend is pregnant as a result of their break-up nooky

man, when she told me she was late for her monthly visit from aunt flo, i had a powers punch

by just meeeee December 18, 2008

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punching toast

Fingering, or more accurately, finger blasting a girl.

D'Angelo: I saw you leave with that broad. Did you munch that?

Cadillac: No, she wouldn't let me munch, so i punched her toast all night.

by CadillacZach June 2, 2005

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crowd punch

during a concert (most commonly rock/metal shows) leaping over and/or onto the crowd and punching that more so effects concert goers that are generally watching the performance rather than the participants in the moshpit

Dude! Did you see that? That kid just jumped up over 2 kids and crowd punched like 3 people!

by NefaRious_DaRcy December 5, 2007

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Frog Punch

A punch with a closed fist and one knuckle sticking up.

"I got a frog punch in the leg, ow"

by TheOnlyMikeZ April 16, 2010

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punching the clown

Male masterbation, usually the term is used after the inner shoulder muscles are tired.

My shoulders are so tired after punching the clown.

by Max O June 19, 2006

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Punching the duck

A phrase describing a person's attempt to hide the fact that they are performing a task badly.

"We're really punching the duck in Iraq at the moment"
Anthony Blair

by Rob5678 March 28, 2007

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