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Ego bubble

A bubble that bubbly people live in.

"These smart, amazing women, the minute a guy comes around, their voice changes, their energy shifts, and I'm like, What the fuck happened?" - Alia Shawcat

Some guys made mice out of them it sounds like is what happened. Some guys bursted their ego bubble.

by The Original Agahnim December 27, 2022

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bubble popper

the act of chewing gum and sticking your tongue into the vagina and then blowing a bubble

I gave a girl a bubble popper

by Shannon Aldredreralfi November 26, 2010

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Cum Bubble

When your dick hole inhales air allowing the man to push out, similar to that of a fart, and whilst ejaculating actually blow bubbles from the penis

Stuart: Man i just blew white bubbles from my cock!

Andrew: Yeah man, ive done it before... its called a cum bubble!!!

by grantjohnson June 2, 2010

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Pink Bubble

The female bubble that the Green/Blue Bubble wants to be with at all times. She is sooooooo0oo0o0o0ooo0 cute.

I miss you, Pink Bubble!

by cpt February 22, 2003

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spunk bubble

A daihatsu hi-jet (or any other vehical of that style) driven by a boy racer, with big sound system, that upon arriving at a cruise gets laughed off, then the driver hits the high beams and BLASTS the stereo to gain respect!

Driver: *arrives at curise* *honk honk*
Others: ROFL yo guys take a gander at that Spunk Bubble!
Driver: *switches on the hi-fi* *blows windows*

by Twatmonkey April 4, 2008

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if one has a cold and lots of snot and is then told an incredibly funny joke, they may laugh so much that they snort out on to their face, a huge bubble of snot.

jesus! i've heard of blowing bubbles but that is,that is, that is bloody disgusting!!!

by siwann November 12, 2003

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bubble biter

Someone who farts int he bath tube and bites at the bubbles, laughing there ass off.

Jessie was not that bright and the highlight of her day was farting in the tub and biting at the bubbles. That stupid little bubble biter would laugh so hard the whole neighborhood could here her over the car alarms. "Whoohoowee, I snorklips", she would say. We loved her and later she even learned to change her own diapers.

by MR Hagy March 22, 2011

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