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ketochukwu Mario

A foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious. Takes breaks often.

Student: Howfa, Ketochukwu Mario

Ketochukwu mario: Don't call me that. Call me Mario.

by TrollUser069 June 17, 2022

elf from fortnite not mario

has committed multiple war crimes


by CHILDFUCKER84 August 3, 2021

Discount Mario

Any person, but especially a man, being openly and offensively misogynistic toward any person identifying as female.

"Hey Suzie, watch out for John, he tried to tell me women don't deserve equal pay because they were inferior. He was totally being a Discount Mario"

by Disposabledarling November 30, 2020

Docter Mario

another title for Mario and luigi: Bowser's inside story

guy 1: i'm playing Mario and Luigi: Bo-
guy 2: Docter Mario?

by El Trashe Bage November 23, 2020

Mario from school

Very insecure and deflects it onto others

Mario from school is A insecure person that maya doesn’t like

by Brhebehdhrh November 28, 2021

mario the preist

A godly human also known as ***** ***** (kid) needs help and probably is asleep bye 8:30 which is sad. She sucks at minies and no one likes rider. The role play man is coming for your gOoSeBuMpS

Mario the preist sucks.

by yInGyOnG April 8, 2018

Full Mario kart

Everything's going great and you end up losing. Becoming so black out angry you want to punch holes through everything and throw your couch through a wall

I got my taco Bell order home and they forgot my Mexican pizza. I pulled back in there and went Full Mario Kart.

by Xbombtrackx October 11, 2017