Source Code

Nerd complex

Anyone who has a nerdy personality but has the option of wearing whatever makes them feel comfortable no matter how stylish.

Person A:I have a nerd complex.
Person B:But you dress soooooo cool!
Person A:I have a nerdy personality.
Person B:Ohh!

by HawaiianPunch1 March 28, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nerd Orgasm

An overwhelming surge of excitement triggered by something incredibly lame including--but not limited to--math, computers, or video games.

Nerd: OMG I just beat the 3rd sub-boss in level 19!!

Regular Dude: Easy, cowboy...after your done creaming ur pants from ur nerd orgasm let's go to that party--we're gonna be late.

by n3lson July 1, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

nerd spray

A spray used by nerds when they're lungs become inflamed by an allergic reaction caused by dust particles. This 'nerd like condition' is most commonly known as asthma. Nerd spray is another word for a nerds inhaler.

Daniel: WHAT THE CRAP! Emmanuel! Pass him that nerd spray!

by vanessa&&danielxD January 17, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

angry nerd

Potentially the funniest thing ever
angry nerds are nerds, when irritated enough while gaming lose their concentration and become violent
after an attack of keyboard hurling and weak insults the usually cry in a corner or mourn the loss of their level 200 cat or whatever

Normal Person: What ya doing?
Nerd: *grunt*
NP: wanna come outside?
N: *grunt*
NP: its a nice day, c'mon!
N (Having become angry nerd): AGH!!! LEAVE ME ALONE *throws keyboard* OMG! YOU N00B I JUST LOST MY LEVEL 200 LEET PRO PALAROGUELF!!

by sudowudo October 5, 2008

35๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nerd Stick

A storing device, commonly known as the USB

Bill: "Hey johnny, have you finished the Geography sheet?"
Johnny: "Yeah man, why?"
Bill: "Sweet! Nerd stick me!"

by Hanzy March 21, 2006

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internet nerd

Someone who's play Counter-Strike and/or use any form of internet lingo.
ie. 'pwn', '1337' etc.
An internet junkie is someone who spends the same amount of time on the internet as these people, but instead use good things: urbandictionary, erowid, pillreports and talk to friends.
A variation is the 'internet slut'.

by Diego August 30, 2003

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CS nerd

Someone who is a complete nerd/geek, who plays Counter-Strike (CS) therefore this makes them feel they know everything about the military, when in reality they actually know very little as far as tactics and discipline. And they will never be able to join because they lack the physical prowess and emotiontional/mental hardness.

Come on man, let's go this place is full of CS nerds.

by Rob Fox April 23, 2006

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