The tone tag that is used when a person says a sentence with evil tones/evil intentions.
Can also be used by abbreviating to "/e".
"I bought us two tickets to go see The Super Mario Bros movie this Saturday!/evil"
"What does that mean?"
"I intend to throw hot dogs at the screen"
evil floor hole is a discord user mainly with a Spiderman profile picture that uses the mudae bot too much.
evil floor hole: $h
evil floor hole: $h
evil floor hole: $h
evil floor hole: $h
evil floor hole: $h
mudae bot: you ran out of rolls
evil floor hole: *kills self*
What can serve as a teaching, as a model to follow, as a term of comparison; which can serve as an object of imitation or inspiration in terms of shape, appearance, etc .; model, example.
Teaching in allegorical form, storytelling; parable.
So that we would not crave evil things as thwy did.
Twice the evil, double Doofenshmirtz coming at you Fridays.
"Have you watched evil cholo gaming's new video"
a person who is having an affair with another person who is already married
when thomas's wife was away for business, he frequently visited his secret evil and slept with her.