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book hole

The feeling of sadness, loss, and overall disillusion with the real world that occurs when you finish a book or book series.
Similar to β€˜show hole’, but with books.

What’s the matter with Jimmy? Why’s he so sad?
Oh, he just finished the whole Harry Potter series and is in a total book hole.

by Mocoso66 December 21, 2018

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Hole in the ground

It's a nice way of saying you're a hoe>

Stop being a hole in the ground .

by Asian Savage November 15, 2017

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buzzfeed hole

The phenomena when you go to a clickbait buzzfeed video and spend the next few hours watching crappy top 10s that you hate

"Jimmy what the fuck are you doing"

by Doublestandardsguy January 30, 2016

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Husband Hole

Colloquial term for the 2015 female who is not trying to have her a$$hole plummeted by a boy she is casually dating

Another term for Anal Sex

"He asked to stick it in my Husband Hole after one date"

by Juicystar07 July 27, 2015

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gaping hole

Someone's asshole which is certainly large, enormous like the colossal titan from attack on titan. A whore.

Damn, I hit Ashleigh last night, her anus was one big gaping hole.

by animerocks69 April 9, 2017

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pony hole

The hole that is formed when a girl puts her hair into a pony tail. The hole is formed near the base of the tail and feels very similarly to a butthole.

Sarah: You wanna feel something weird?
Mike: Yeah sure.
Sarah: *Lifts pony tail up and spreads it apart* Stick your finger in there.
Mike: *Sticks his finger in* Oh my god, that feels just like a butthole.
Sarah: *Writhing in pleasure* Yeah, fuck my pony hole!

by Tehvio September 1, 2009

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anal hole

the anal hole is a smarty way to say ass hole

shit comes out of my anal hole

by iThink January 28, 2008

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