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New Years Disaster

When you get really fucked up at new years party and have a great time. Maybe even hit on a couple ladies with some big titties and tell them why you can't have contacts. Then you go down the stairs to relax with some people before the ball drops. Then a little freshman drunk out of their mind comes down the stairs, despite you carefully avoiding and evading her the ENTIRE night. She then sits on your lap and your locked in with no way of getting out of hooking up with her. You then tell her you have no desire in hooking up with her anymore. And she then begins to flip out and spits in your eyeball. Then when the ball drops she turns into an animal and attacks your face with her mouth, I can only make the comparison of her having a seizure in your mouth. Then you leave because your disgusted at what happened, and she goes home and throws up, unfortunately you remember everything that happened in every single detail possible, and she remembers nothing. Especially the spitting in the eyeball. I forgot to mention she also punches you in the stomach like a little ninja, drunk of course.

"Yeah my new years sucked, I had a new years disaster. I had spit in my eye for hours, and pain in my stomach."

by Nard Dog Bitch February 15, 2010

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

new year's eve

An excuse to go out and party all nite long and hit as many bitches as you can

fgse ewew wewe

by Dontae January 3, 2004

16πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Happy New Year

A phrase a girl says when she wants to give someone head.

(Girl suddenly feels the urge to give someone a blowjob)
"Happy New Year!"

by crayman777 January 20, 2012

9πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Time Person of the Year

World's biggest asshole.

This definition was sealed after George W. Bush, Bono, Giuliani, Putin, and you were chosen for the position in their respective years.

So I overheard the list of nominees for Time Person of the Year 2008. They are: Ahmedinijad, Hugo Chavez, Al Gore, the CEO of Exxon Mobil, and apparently the Pope.

by General Septem September 29, 2008

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

5 year old

One who is very annoying

Swim: You’re such a 5 year old.
Bob: Uh, no, your an idiot
Swim: Please learn some grammar.

by The ugly duckling May 30, 2018

6πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Be a ROM for 5,000 years.

a popular phrase in Japanese BBSs that is used to tell an ignorant and/or inexperienced member not to post a message; ROM is an acronym for Read Only Member

Hey, n00b, be a ROM for 5,000 years.

by Abajian December 26, 2005

42πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

new year's day

the day after new year's eve

Jan 1st.

by IrishRepublicanArmy January 1, 2004

22πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž