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sweedin(its true form)

if your a famous singer or rapper and you have drugs expect to get arrested here g eazy snoop dogg asap rocky justin bieber maybe more

what is sweedin(its true form) like a place where rappers and popstars get arrested for drugs and shit

by a kid who is earaped August 16, 2021

All Trump Lies Are True.

When the world has quasi-zero reasons to doubt the Liar-in-Chief’s manifold falsehoods, because what he says is false is true, and what he says is true is false—does this arguably paradoxical statement make him a truth-teller or a liar?

Doesn’t the statement “All Trump lies are true.” sound like a paradox? If he lies, this means that what he says isn’t true, which makes him a truth-teller. If he doesn’t lie, this means what he says is false, which makes him a liar. So, is he a liar or a truth-teller?

by MathPlus April 15, 2021

111👍 145👎

True Green Day fan

Knows all albums besides American Idiot or 21st CB, Love them 'cause of their music and meaning of each song, feels extremely happy when hearing one of their songs and not forgeting, liking both their old and new sound.

Fangirl:21 Guns is so awesome, and Billie is hawt!"

True Green Day Fan:"no doubt 21 Guns is awesome and Billie looks good......but how about Road To Accetance, or like, J.A.R."


by Jenny0212 January 26, 2011

4👍 3👎

a TRUE green day fan

a person who can accept that Greenday officially sucks an official nut since their last album

hmm...you dont have the new Greenday cd...you must be a TRUE fan

by sus August 16, 2005

32👍 51👎

True Team-Killing Fucktard

The Abbreviation of Team-Killing Fucktard is TKFT, the plural form is TKFTs.

1. True TKFT (TTKFT) Team-Killing Fucktards normally have little or no experience at playing games, and therefore are expected to have little or no understanding of how the game works. also known as Newbies or newbs They rarely work in packs, often due to the fact that since they are Team-Killers, they may just kill the other TKFTs out of instinct.
The early presence of a TKFT on the field is detected by observing spontaneous, random, unnatural walking patterns while they get accustomed to their new environment. As a rule, abstinence from heavy equipment (RPG's, BFG's, etc.) is well-advised.Team-Killing Fucktards do not have a common specific language that they will always use, unlike n00bs, and may be fluent in several different languages; therefore making them harder to detect early.

True Team-killing fucktards will never be fully eradicated. it helps eliminate their numbers, however, when you give them a tutorial and show them the enemy.

The origin of the Team-Killing Fucktard originated from popular Halo webseries, Red Vs Blue (RVB) it can also be said that the first recognized TKFT is Caboose from the series, for killing team-captain Church with a tank in the first season. Caboose may not be the first TKFT, but the famous incident has sparked awareness of the dangers that TKFTs present to the online-gaming community and beyond.

p1- I cant believe he shot half his own team with a RPG because he forgot what color he was. what a dipshit.
p2- Yeah, what a True Team-Killing Fucktard!

by Super-Ultimare-Ownage-Penguin September 11, 2011

3👍 2👎


The kind of love everyone wants but it doesn’t exist fairytales make that possible

True love I knew I had it

true love it was mine all mine

true love if I get it back I’ll never let it go this time

by THEYSMARTGUY January 12, 2019

2👍 92👎

True Scottish Pirate Metal

A mick take of True Norwegian Black Metal. It is used to refer to the scottish pirate obsessed power metal band Alestorm. Alestorm were once known as Battleheart and play folk influenced power metal.

You've heard Battle Metal now you need to hear True Scottish Pirate Metal.

by I love silly music May 20, 2009

5👍 5👎