A phrase used mostly on the south simply to politely inform someone of just how stupid they are.
You have no idea where you are right now and you need directions to the nearest Walmart... well, Bless ur heart. It's right across the street!
What the 'Urban Dictionary' logo looks like if you squint real hard
"I got banned"
"How do you know?"
"I saw my name on the Ur Ban Dictionary"
A insult associate with the phrases , ur mom gay ur dad lesbian ur granny a tranny, etc. But calling Someone’s daughter gay can give them cancer
Michael: ur dad gay
Jackson: ur daughter gay
Michael *gets Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
even worse than ur granny tranny or ur pappy trappy, the one who gets insulted dies in the moment
Viv: ur mom gay
L: ur pappy trappy
Viv: ur momma a pappa
L: *instantly dies, creates an alternate universe and earth explote*
It is worse than ANY INSULT in the world.
John:Ur mom gay
Carl:ur dad lesbian
John:your granny granny
John dies and is now sent to planet X-790
Ur hamster homo is the best insult to end any argument.
The ultimate roast, conquers ur granny tranny. Be warned, is lethal so use with caution
John: ur granny tranny
Rick: ur grandpap a trap
John:*every atom in his body is violently ripped apart causing an explosion that knocks out a city block*
Only the most intellectual people use this
U :u gay ha
Me: ur bro a hoe