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cock goddess

A female who all cocks are drawn to uncontrollably. Even without her prevocation.

She is the cock goddess every cock that sees her wants to fuck her

by Rexsixteen April 14, 2018

3👍 1👎

cock hawker

A male organ's "lugi" after the climax of pleasure.

I awkwardly walked in on Frank as his last cock hawker hit his sticky keyboard.

by Laydown89 February 12, 2016

cock shooting

When you take your penis and

jizz on some one from a distance

When I was cock shooting I hit a girl from 3 feet away

by Man of rape December 29, 2014

Motor cock

The action of aggressively inserting your penile attachment into a said woman's no no area.

My dad really gave me a good motor cock last night

by Jonathon Vega June 22, 2019