don't you fucking hoover me - a saying used to represent someones annoyance towards their friend 'hoovering' them via vc on discord or other platforms.
Phoro:*hoover noises*
Astrid:'Don't You Fucking Hoover Me, Pho!'
laughing off a mistake or something that made you look like a fool.
- Do you want to go out with me?
- Umm... I'm gay..
-Oh yeah hehe .... Never saw me before ;))
The name of Quadeca great album
Go stream From Me To You by Quadeca because it’s lit
Kiss me more is what the song that Doja cat and Sza collaborated on. Alex Landi (HOTTIE) starred in the music video along the girls.
Hottie: Have you heard about kiss me more?
Weirdo: what’s that?
Hottie: Kiss me more is what the song that Doja cat and Sza collaborated on. You should watch the music video, it’s hot.
To use this phrase you must be rather confused, not quite part of a conversation, and perhaps stood away from a group of people but listening to their conversation. If you are stood amongst people, but not listening to what they say very closely, you may ask them to 'bubble' you 'in' meaning you would like them to tell you what they're talking about and to involve you in the conversation too.
Hey Jackson, I didn't quite hear that I was stood by the bar! can you 'bubble me in'?
Your Fanon Me can like stuff IRL you wouldn't like