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Ellis is a beautiful boy, very tall, drives a Vauxhall, probably has a bestfriend named Kevin who is a ming. Ellis things he’s the big man because he drives but everyone knows he’s a ming, Ellis thinks he can pull major ‘birds’ but he can’t, everyone uses him for the car including Kevin. P.s Ellis has a small penis

Ellis can I get in your car?

by Chedder420 July 30, 2018


A literal air force rat, fugly as hell no one likes her

Jordan likes you Ellianna

by BigWillaims3 February 28, 2022


A person who understands and can read the room around them. Ellis usually level headed except when it comes to the things they care about the most. They usually are very stubborn and can't make up their mind. But once they do make up their mind they are set on it. They're fairly insecure and don't know how to take compliments but you can tell they try. Overall everyone needs and Ellis in their life.

"i met this new kid at school, they're name is Ellis"

by UglyOrangutan April 22, 2022


A man that thinks he is always the smartest and most likeable person in the room.
Usually on the delusional spectrum due to an overinflated ego and recreational use of drugs like Cocaine.
An Ellis will look at a tough situation and wrongly believe that he can negotiate his way to compromise.
While this strategy will work sometimes eventually it will lead to a bullet in the forhead.

Ellis what did you tell them?
Ellis you shoudn't be doing this.

by J.J.JEEPSTER September 10, 2023


Elli is the best person ever. They are very loud but funny at the same time.

Elli is loud.

Elli is the best.

by Aada123 November 22, 2021


Ellis, you think it's a woman when you first hear the name but you're surpised when you find out that it is infact a boy.

They're typically full of themselves and carry an air of "Daddy's money" about them. Often flexing the wealth of their parents hard work rather than their own.

Typically dresses in turtlenecks unironocally and carries a mini mirror, hair wax and a comb at all times. They think women love them nearly as much as they love themselves.

Wow, that Ellis is a real fuckboy!

by Ellis McConnell November 30, 2018


Just trying to vibe, but when they do, they get asked if they are either high or faded. Very chill expression on their face.

Person 1: OMG!! Excuse me, are you high?

Ellis: No, i just look like this.

by honeybee_161 March 18, 2022