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Adam Bomb

When your ready to leave work after a slow as fuck day counting the hours hoping for work to do to make the day go by fast and your boss named Adam gives you 5 hours of work to do. It happens exactly 1 minute before your work day ends.

Susi: You going to happy hour?
Charles: Nope I just got Adam Bombed.

by CharlesisCDK January 27, 2017

fat adam

some child who eats five ice creams everyday and has a shower in butter

nick: hey johnny whos that over there

johnny: idk ask tyrone
nick: tyrone whos that
tyrone: idk but he looks like a fat adam

by 15 peple fucked your mum April 30, 2020

Adam Woroniecki

Adam Woroniecki is a man, who is an average guy really. There is nothing unique about him. Adam is a law student, and is also an Author. He studied at various universities, and has a great knowledge of the law. He campaigns for rights of disabled people and campaigns for rights for people with learning disabilities. He feels very strongly about equality, and has written memoirs including that. Adam likes poetry, walks in the park, nature, and coffee.

''Adam Woroniecki is just this geeza over there.''

by adampseudongym June 27, 2020

Amy Adams

A six-time Oscar nominee, actor, singer, dancer, and producer. Every Gen-Z girl's childhood idol. A screaming meme on Twitter.

Amy Adams was snubbed for Arrival and Sharp Objects.

by wcnderstrvcks January 28, 2023

Adam Ning

Most annoying K-Pop Idol.

Adam Ning is so fricking annoying. He probably made Justin Liu and Alex Hu kill themselves.

by rhns May 25, 2021

Adam Small

A man aged beyond his years...Also, know as GrandAdam Small

Adam Small: I'm going to bed
Everyone else: It's 8pm!

by MdgH September 7, 2018

adam snyder

Commonly used to describe a large Jewish nose or Micro erection

Wow bro your girl said that you pulled an Adam Snyder last night.

Dang bro that knows be as big as Adam Snyder

by Jonel the gangster April 6, 2018