National ask your friend out day!
Dude 1: Hey wanna go on a date?
Dude 2: I thought you were straight, and so am I
Dude 1: It’s December 22nd calm down!!
When a mall cop comes up to a group of Marines and tells them he wants to join the Corps and "get in the shit". He then says he wants to be 22 Bang Bang...whatever the fuck that is.
"I just wanna get up in the shit, be a 22 Bang Bang." - mall cop (with a tattoo sleeve which disqualifies him from joining the Marines)
A girl who makes very cringy tik toks
Person 1: have you seen simply_sophie.22’s tik toks??
Person 2: no
Person 1: yeah u shouldn’t
Surprise a girl with flowers day!!!
This is the day you get to secretly send or give a girl flowers and a card to just make their day!!
Its a day of appreciation.
Person 1: Hey did you get a girl you care about some flowers today?
Person 2: Oh is it already July 22?! I'll see you later I have to go get some flowers!!
National receive an arch pic day, today is the one day where you can get 1 free arch pic
"babe where's my arch pic"
"Why do you get one"
"Because it's July 22 duhhh"
if you are seeing this on july 22, and you have big sister, show her some love!!