Mouse couple. A couple that consists of only dwarves or midgets.
Hey man, do you see that "Mouse cpl" mouse couple over there?
Slang term for over-ear hearing protection. Often used in the US Armed Forces.
Damnit Carl, put on the fucking Mickey Mouse ears or you're gonna go deaf!
Some one that is or was a naive street kid due to reasons such as abuse or neglect, disability, or discrimination.
All we are is gutter mice, we might not talk about it, but we are./ This gutter mouse got caught for graffiti.
When someone has a paranoia that there are mice under their bed and/or furniture and actually only has the mice but can't handle the stress of it, one gets a **mental mouse** in his/her head when in schizophrenic episodes.
Person 1; Dan got so paranoid, he thinks he has mice under his bed.
Person 2: Yeah he has got a mental mouse going on there.
A password to break in to mickey mouse's house
Let's break into the mickey mouse clubhouse, Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse
n. lube
Grab ‘ol Trampa some mouse tears for your rat hole.