Possibly the best Tumblr user.... ever.
This is known to bring happiness and joy to all that follow it.
guy-in-a-checked-shirt will grant you wishes.
guy-in-a-checked-shirt is your father.
Only guy-in-a-checked-shirt can stop forest fires.
I follow a-guy-in-a-checked-shirt it makes me happy.
I was in a forest fire and I tried to put it out but only a-guy-in-a-checked-shirt could put it out.... I died that day.
A shirt that a boy uses to masturbate on.
mother: What is this shirt that's all stuck together that I found under Cody's bed? father: Oh God don't touch it! It's Cody's jiz shirt. We'll just throw it away. mother: That's nasty. What's wrong with him? father: He's just lazy.
A shirt which has aged a bit, but still fits and acceptable to wear when lounging around the house, etc.
A ridulously oversized shirt given to you by some asshole family member (who is probably too much of a retard to look at the size label first) for the purpose of 'slobbing around in'
'Hey, that's a cool shirt
'Thanks, I've had it ages, more of a slobbing around shirt to be honest
'Ahh nice shir..oh..ermm... why's this shirt XXL exactly?'
'Ahh, its more of a slobbing around shirt, really'
'What's the point in that? couldn't you just be realistic and get one my size?'
'No I couldn't, we got it for free anyway, so like it or I'll kick your head in.'
Celebrated in memory of Emperor Kameyama of Japan on the 4th of October every year. Everyone must tuck in their shirts today.
Hey, Today is International Tuck-In-Your-Shirt Day, tuck in your shirts!
the rancid gap between a mans gut and his waist
when you try to have a conversation with a dude but you keep getting distracted by his rancid shirt gap.
I am Emma in the UrBan dictionary to make this shirt and mug because i have nothing else to do anyways so this is for me and no one else and am getting it from here because i am poor so yes this is my shirt/mug stay mad be mad
I am Emma in the UrBan dictionary to make this shirt and mug because i have nothing else to do anyways so this is for me and no one else and am getting it from here because i am poor so yes this is my shirt/mug stay mad be mad
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something you buy for a person of extreme douche-baggery.
girl 1: hes such a douche bag!
girl 2: we'll just have to buy him some lilac shirts.