Some one who is a total arse and a total bastard, so therefore a total arse bastard
"Clive is such a total arse," said Peter.
"Yeah and he's a total bastard too," added Dudley.
"I think he's a total arse bastard," concluded Derek.
Large bubble of puss that forms over the anus blocking waste from exiting.
timmy quit being such a arse hermit .
An Australia interpretation of the phrase "Cunt-Ass".
The location on an Australian female's body, between the cunt and the ass.
Also used as an insult, usually describing cowardness amongst groups.
Australian man: Oi cunt, you like vegemite?
British Chap: No, I'd prefer margarine.
Crowd of Australian men: So you're a cunt-arse.
Arse Lawn is the hair that is found around your arse hole and gooch.
There's nothing worse than ripping out your Arse Lawn pulling Gruff Nuts
An expression used when something hasn't gone in you're favour
"Sorry but your favorite team has lost the match"
" oh finger my arse!"
some one who is scared of scott on cod
i dont know how to add him think im gonna go full cork arse
An extrovert who hates being alone.
Person 1: I gotta go out tonight, I hate being alone.
Person 2: Yep, you're definitely a bucket of arse crumbs.