Very flirtatious but absolute shit at getting the bitches. Has nuts that sag past his ankles, has to drag those fuckers around like hes walking a dog. Has a sister who just so happens to be a babe. And his dad has a juicy ass. Continues to crush on girls with the names Haylee and Mikayla but is so far unsuccessful.
Did you see that guy's nuts in that porno, he looked like Brandon Bearer.
Is often a bot at fortnite and other video games.He is not that smart and is a bad person.
Brandon Badcock is a bot!
Sex demon thats very down bad all the time and can't go more then a week without "yoga"
Im in a Brandon the Lover mood.
If you ever meet a Brandon Allan (Insert last name here) you have been blessed by an angel. For they are the most noble, intelligent, selfless, humorous, honest, and loveable human beings you will ever meet in your existence. They are also great lovers, and know how to treat their significant other right. Putting them before themselves. If you ever meet on, never let him go. EVER. It would be the biggest mistake of your entire life.
Brandon Allan (Insert last name here) is such a sweetheart.
Douchebag; (also known as) The guy who runs childhood dreams into the ground
Bro: dude, toys r us is closing
Other Bro: yea it was that douchebag, David Brandon
Gorgeous! Always jokes about being awesome and a sexy motherf---er, but in reality, is very humble.
At work, if someone compliments him, he'll say "I know, I saw myself in the mirror."
Brandon is a complete smart-ass; has it down to an art form.
Very loyal; he will always have your back.
Stubborn and occasionally grouchy; not a morning person.
Loves to debate; winning an argument with him is quite a feat.
Brandon is very unique; charming, athletic, tough.
Very competitive; hates to lose!
Has a lot of friends that are girls. They love him!
Hilarious, can always make laugh, even on my worst days.
Loves to play video games like Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty.
Has an eidetic memory - it's crazy the stuff he remembers!
He's always right.
All in all - he's super amazing.
Brandon knows everything.
Brandon Fayard knows everything!