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Fat bastard syndrome

When someone is a lazy bones and eats and sleeps 25/8

Keira has fatbastard syndrome she hasnโ€™t left her bed all day fat bastard syndrome will become really fat bastard syndrome when some one is a really fat bastard

by Haha its me bish July 2, 2018

ball washing bastard

Someone who thinks they are above everyone and when given the chance will cheat the system for their own financial gain.

That lawyer my exwife has is a ball washing bastard.

by jimmybomm January 15, 2021

Fuck Shite Bastard

A phrase used by Leitrim culchies when they make a mistake or hurt themselves.

Eamon: hai soft lad hand me that there board like a hood man.
Patrick: *drops board on foot* Fuck Shite Bastard that hurt like a cunt

by Leitrimcunt September 26, 2020

Absolute handsome bastard

Euan Anderson. He's an absolute gorgeous man and I appreciate him so much.

Here man, you seen that Euan Anderson?

Ye mean absolute handsome bastard? Aye obviously

by Bxhja snd May 29, 2021

Green Bastard

After consuming half of your Mickeys 40 oz malt liquor, proceed to fill what remains with mountain dew. It is most commonly consumed by stoned college students.

Bill: Hey Fred do you wanna get fucked off of some green bastards maybe roll a six paper joint tonight? i know i sure do!

Fred: Are you kidding me? only stoned, barefoot, patchoulie smelling, trey anastasio groupies drink that shit?

by smoke tough mcgee toker puff June 5, 2011

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Lars Frederickson and the Bastards

Side project of the band Rancid. Includes Lars from Rancid and other band members that no one cares about. In my opinion they are way better than Rancid and have a more agressive punk style."Subterranean", "Skunx", "To Have and To Have Not" and "Anti-Social" are their better songs.

Brent: "Rancid kicks ass dude!"
Kaz Moses: "if you like rancid you have to listen to Lars Frederickson and the Bastards... theyre way better"

by Kaz Moses June 3, 2004

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cheeky little bastard

A bitch who talks back to you

Person 1: you look pretty
Person 2: aw you look pretty too. PRETTY ANNOYING
person 1: you cheeky little bastard

Mom: do this dishes
Me: no
Mom: stop being a cheeky little bastard and do the fucking dishes before I cut you

Caesar Flickerman: don't make me promise you I won't cry
Katniss: you know I wouldn't believe you even if you did
Caesar: the girl on fire is cheeky!! a cheeky little bastard

by Cheekylittlebastard November 24, 2013

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