When your homie is being unreasonable and gay at the same time. Takes its name from some douche named Cameron Gamble, who grew mildly popular on pornographic sites for his commentary.
The Guy- "Bro can I tap your brother?"
Chucky cheese employee- "Stop Being a Cameron"
A term used for someone who steals, is loud and generally offends people around him/her.
You really are doing a real "Being Džego" right now dude. Stop it.
Shouting and diverting the public attention from serious issues by making Illogical points and behaving as a lapdog of the government.
Now you are being Arnab; can you please talk sense else be quite.
The delusion many experience while taking enormous risks with their health and their lives, during the Covid pandemic.
"You're going where??"
"Out to dinner. With friends. We're so done with being locked up."
"Don't you realize it's not safe to do that?"
"Oh, I'm being very careful."
When you have the lower hand in a PVP video game and you go to kill a player after said player just fought another player. This is called going in for the cleanup.
"Whats the move bro? We're fucked!" "Naw g, I'm being the janitor"
Being aggresive, hostile, or violent (or even those three together)
Someone that is very shifty who often commits to riding a bike or going on a river trip but finds “reasons” to sit at home and be a lazy pile.