Source Code

Cody Terway

A fat fuck who sits on his ass playing fortnite, He is big faggot and deserves nothing but the worst. He is the most annoying little cunt ever and gets really hot tempered easily. He takes shit in his pants cause he cant sit on the toilet without moaning. He sets his cats up to watch movies cause he has no love life.

Stop being a Cody Terway you fucking bitch.
Stop being a Cody Terway if you are ur a cunt you ugly piglet

by Longfingerz February 7, 2019

Cody Speak

Incomprehensible tumblr gibberish spoken by an insane former patient at a psychiatric hospital.

"splurge on skrelp and get a skrinkle or sumn"

"that was some insane cody speak"

by 105u28 October 1, 2021


Similar to get coded or 86’d but basically you get thrown out of a bar randomly but they won’t explain to you why. Just tell you “because of what your friend did”

Well damn. We just got codied, only played 2 rounds of pool..

“So, what did you do anyway cody”

“Ah, it was nothin man, literally nothin even happened. Those bitches were just…”
“Alright here’s what happened..I’ll tell you what happened” proceeds to stare and point, make faces followed. By noises with no particularly defined direction equipped to his unsheathed pointer finger.. never does answer the question or settle on what he had intended to point at. If I had to guess it was probably the ceiling fan and an insistence that he did nothing wrong or would say the did what he had in fact done to get us.. uh i mean you thrown out. That’s the sixth time we got codied this month you bastard

by Clyde dammot January 28, 2024

Cody Craig


example of a hoe is cody craig

by harry liam May 10, 2018

Cody Barthalow

He's a sweet guy when he wants to be. He can be a very angry person; He loves his girlfriend, he would give the world to her if he could. He doesn't lie. He doesn't like liars. He's shy around most people that he don't know. Everyone should love a Cody Barthalow; because he's the love of my life.

Cody Barthalow Is the most lovable person you will ever meet!

by CodyB'sBaby July 31, 2011

codie alan

A Codie Alan is very rare one in a million, diamond in the rough, strapping young, GQ male model, hard and perfectly chiseled really really ridiculously good looking man with the most amazing overall package with the most loving and beautiful heart and soul any woman can ever dream of having the pleasure of waking you next to every morning.

Hot damn that's a fine ass Codie Alan, be his friend, even if it's only a Facebook friend and your sex appeal will improve 89%. Follow his Instagram then you got 99.9% fine ass #Swag.....predicted to break out a new dance instead of "Teach Me How To Dougie" everyone will be twerking to "Teach Me How To Codie"

by milfndenver May 3, 2016

cody williams

Cody williams is an all american bad ass, people are scared when they hear the name.he has the strenght of 10 men and takes on any challenger, he won't back down or accept defeat.and he loves sydney johnson!!!

Damn cody williams is one bad mother fucker

by I am number1 boom!!! September 9, 2017