A School in Perth made for the homosexuals of WA they enjoy casual gay sex in the bathroom with holes in toilet doors for toilet pleasures/enjoyments, the rowing community has lots of love when sitting on each others dick for rowing pleasures.
Trinity always loves to penetrate people walking past the school preferably men wearing suits and tight pants, the sporting community loves the fun on the field especially when playing a school such as Aquinas.
Trinity College : here we come boys, we'll get you "kiss" "kiss"
Aquinas: boys cover your asses and dicks
23π 30π
A sanctum sanctorum of overprivileged children who love to talk about how intellectual and hard-working they are because thatβs the only pitiable thing they can feel good about themselves. Its professors are mediocre, the most of whom hide behind a defense screen of taciturn professionalism. The city of Portland where it's at also suffers from a racism is deep but repressed and thus passive-aggressive in expression. Reed is also an off-leash area for sad dog-walkers who yearn for that plastic human connection of someone patting their dog and telling them how cute they are.
"Doesn't he know that Reed College is one of the most progressive colleges in the US? That's why we talk about a communist revolution but turn up our noses and call the CSO we so much hate when a homeless dares come wondering onto our campus."
6π 5π
A college in Australia that is filled with pretentious cucks who randomly sucker-punch other players on the football field, (RIP Bull).
Rostrevor Prick: "*unintelligible*"
Normal Person: "You're from Rostrevor College? Actually end your life."
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aka, The Thirteenth Grade. Clark College was pretty much High school with smoking but they recently banned smoking on campus. Now its pretty much a shitty college where mainly townie losers go so they dont get kicked out of thier parents houses. Occasionally it turns out a decent vocational student or the like. It is a rich, beautiful school led by a black man's George W. Bush. Who everybody dislikes. over 50 staffers have quit since his hire. It is a nuisance on the surrounding community and it is growing very quickly.
I'm a townie loser thus I go to Clark College so my parents dont kick me out of thier house.
U.C.L.A = University of Clark Local Area
U.N.L.V = University of Never Leaving Vancouver
17π 21π
A small, liberal arts college located in New London, CT. Conn College, as it is affectionately known by the majority of the student body, is home to about 1900 undergraduates. The ConnColl student probably went to a not-quite-as prestigious boarding school in New England and likely plays at least one varsity sport, with varying legitimacy. Conn students are not as smart or as athletically talented as most of the rest of the NESCAC, mostly because it went co-ed much more recently than many of the older schools and so has had less time for alumnae to pump the endowment to recruit better athletes and raise the standard for admission.
Socially Conn is not what it used to be. Though there is a moderately solid bar scene in New London, it's only fun when a large group of Conn kids go otherwise the local New Lo meth heads will eat your face. Parties on campus tend to be decent at best, as floor parties tend to get broken up quickly and there are no dorms big enough for a lot of people to hang out. Off campus parties at the lax house or at the ridge apartments are usually the best bet, as there are most always kegs and no campus po.
strange amount of skunks. almost all white kids. dece food. hot girls. good bud. a lot of strange kids in strange dorms doing strange things. if youre cool you will find a way to have fun, but only on thursdays and saturdays.
buddy at brown: what's good at connecticut college this weekend?
conn kid: if you come thursday or saturday there will prob be somethin fun goin on
buddy at brown: ....
buddy at brown: why dont you just come here and we can get drunk and find cool parties any night...
conn kid: it makes me remember how i couldn't get into brown when i applied, i get super sad dude
buddy at brown: sick, alright well im gonna go see whats up at deke, you should definitely drive the 45 minutes to providence man
conn kid: na i'm gonna get 'zza from oasis n prob just chill by the dance solo.
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Someone who has finshed his/her senior year in highschool and is now a first year student in college. Your back at the bottom of the poll.
Someone who just wants to spend waaaaaay too much time at school. College freshman are really stupid.
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Fanshawe Community College is located in London, Ontario and somehow survives in the shadow of the city's main educational institution, UWO (University of Western Ontario). Fanshawe students are infamous for partying on any day of the week, receiving numerous tickets relating to overwhelming noise complaints, public drunkenness, selling alcohol without a license, etc... and spending more money paying off fines than on their tuition. Many fanshawe college students feel they have a rivalry with UWO students due to the simple fact that they are in the same city, examples are the females believing they are better looking, and males believing they have bigger dick, etc. The odd fact that everyone forgets is that the majority kids who didn't get into UWO went to colleges such as Fanshawe. As well, the few students who aren't complete morons realize that to have a decent future they will need to attend classes at a university such as UWO. In conclusion, Fanshawe is full of sluts and dicks, (and the odd guy who has his head on straight) who need to chill.
Female Fanshawe College student: "That UWO bitch is so stuck up, she'll only sleep with one guy at a time!"
Male Fanshawe College Student: "DUDE! I'm so drunk! Let's go jump some western kid who looks like he might have a lot of money!"
Fanshawe College Student: "I didn't have the marks to get into UWO so I ended up going to Fanshawe F'in College."
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