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A girl that is under 5 foot

“that short girl is a demon”

by JWISVABNANAMAL September 21, 2023


The goated mans that worked at Trinity in Summer 2022

Person 1: Ayo who them fresh ass duded walking up rn?

Person 2: That’s them demons right there!

by youngpharaoh August 12, 2022


A person who is with anything a crazy individual

Dan took 10 shots then fought 10 dudes that kid is a demon

by The rza gza April 12, 2020


Demon- A creature of aboriginal origin, can also be human in form.not always an evil entity, sometimes misunderstand because being.

He's a good dude with some demonic characteristics. Has a lot of talent but sometimes people don't like him.

by July 14, 2023


A devilish creature, that has satonic like features. Such as Devilish Imbolished memories that lye in you to mix your emotions to feel powerful in to which a spirit of hell that you can not control when possessed.

"Demons possessed all humans run away!"

by Flower345 September 18, 2016


Someone who is manipulative, seeks trouble, searches for conflict, wants to be centre of attention, and hoes around the block.

“Yo you heard what Alyssa did last night? Shordy a demon, on god.”

by youalreadyknow223 September 16, 2020


A synonym for a blunt or joint.
a rolled smokable object

Roll a demon

by KingBoogs January 7, 2023