A derogatory term implying someone is far "douchier" than the standard "douchiness" associated with a simple douche bag. A Douche Spittoon contains not just the contents of a rancid, purulent twat, but additionally the spent chew, phlegm, and sputum from a cowboy with horrendous oral hygiene. Alternatively a douche spittoon could contain contents of a pretentious victorian twat.
1. "Howdy, there partner, we have a warrant for the arrest of that douche spitoon, there yonder."
2. That guy gives douche bags a bad name; he is a real douche spittoon!
3. Phoebe was out of luck; as she forgot her bag, she was forced to hover over a douche spittoon to cleanse her rancid victorian twat!
A term used to describe a person who is a complete prick who wants all of the respect and power that comes with authority but none of the responsibilities the job requires. Also, it defines a person who steals credit like it was Poland and is clearly anti-Semitic. (Contrary to popular belief, a Jewish person in a position of power can also be a douche hitler which is doubly insulting and egregious on their behalf).
Our hipster boss took all the credit for the success and is getting a promotion! What a douche hitler!
The collective term for a group of douche bags, whether the group consists of people or objects.
It's never a good day when one encounters a waft of douches.
When a man in question is going through his "menstrual cycle" and is acting like a bitch, in stead of offering him a tampon you can take it one step further and attempt to help him wash out his crap rather than staunching the flow.
"Omg my boyfriend is going through his period I swear!"
"Ye maybe you should offer him a cock douche to clear it all out".
Alpha aggressor in school and in the locker room... usually a bully and a douchebag... tries to be cool and exhibits external toughness and masculinity... Tends to wear a backwards tilted hat, sweatpants and joggers and athletic-related shirts... also a fuckboy and often a star athlete... generally very popular and only truly liked by his guy friends, hated by a lot of kids... the type of kid that hurts people but other athletes want to be
Emma: You going to Will’s party tonight?
Julia: Ya probably. Why are you dating him though?
Emma: what’s wrong with will?
Julia: He’s always an asshole. I just think he’s a hockey douche.
When multiple douchebags wish to enhance their d-bag potency, they often compose and share written douche notes or document said douchiness in a douche journal, if you will. Douche notes have their most success among gaggles of douchebags, however, some d-bags find them very effective in smaller groups of two to three.
Hey man, are you ready to compare douche notes? Okay, great. What's the douchiest thing that you did last night?
A really short almost hobbit like douche bag. many people with short man syndrome could be called douche baggins.
friend 1: whats up with geoff today?
friend 2: i know hes being such a douche baggins