not say anything, especially not reveal a secret.
"would he keep his mouth shut under interrogation?"
What you jokingly say to someone as you're turning off da Iowa interstate to show him da famous sunshine-yellow water-tower wif da smileyfaces painted on it.
Tour bus driver, smilingly speaking to his passengers over the PA system as he's pulling off I-80 at Exit 76: Okay, Folks --- here we are at "the happiest town on Earth" --- Adair you to keep a straight face when you see their water-tower!
A word used to describe someone who is a big boi fan of the V-Tubing community.
Ah you see that brownie over there? Big time The Keep.
Biggest V-Tuber fan known to man.
The Keep is a big boi fan of v-tubers.
Or in Merry Old England, they might say, "keep pup about it"... same thing: it means to speak freely about something.
If your "mum" knows when not to talk about something, are we to conclude that guys are more likely to "keep dad about it" --- i.e., verbosely divulge secrets --- than ladies are???
A term used by prisoners or ex prisoners referring to the awesome load bang you get from slamming your cell/pad’s door. It pisses off the screws/ prison wardens because you can’t not jump/ be scared from it.
“Keep banging your doors the boys”. Stop banging the fucking doors!!!”
An interview-based podcast, also known as "KTHE Podcast," hosted by Aric Paul and produced by Seth Stahlmann in Sarasota FL. The name is completely random and the show seemingly has nothing to do with Hotels.
"Yo, have you seen the latest episode of Keep The Hotel Empty?"