A person named, Adrieonna , who is hot as fuck, that licks her lesbian frog named Venus between her frog-legs.
Hey frog-licker, get over here and show me how good you are at using that tongue.
Replacement for “fucked” safe to use around religious friends and family
“Seriously get frogged dude.” “That’s frogged up” “I frogged that guy” “it was frogged how that happened”
When a person hits another person causing muscle to spasm and jump causing nausea muscle spasms and a brief limp the next day out of spite
God dang
it I got frogged
and now it hurts to walk I got punched right in my upper side in the same spot hurts so bad
When a person is being attacked by multiple people than persistently kick or jump on the victim
“Yo, did you here about that nigga who got got jumped outside that club on Sunday? They frogged his ass!
1. equivalent to something being fucked looking or an event being fucked
2. feeling messed up, dazed, confused, or straight up fucked
dude that chick is frogged
oh my god last night was so frogged
dude last night i was so drunk i feel frogged rn
When you get into bed and you feel as though you’re about to have a freeing nights sleep, only to hear the beginnings of the most desperate noise a frog can make.
Oh man, I slept through my alarm because I got frogged hard last night
Frogged the the owner of the Antarctica of Frogged, the southernmost continent of planet Earth. His leadership has seen tremendous shrinkage, a feat that is accomplished in almost everything he touches. I would not get too close with any appendage that you want to remain at full size.
When Frogged first named himself King of Antarctica of Frogged, it was 25% larger. Once touched by the cursed ruler, it shrank considerably.