A hipster that is way too hipster compared to other hipsters, therefore causing competition. Loves to talk about how hipster and "not mainstream" he/she is. Usually found in San Francisco and NYC. They have abandoned their sense of identity to fit a trend, competing to be the ultimate hipster.
Trisha is so cutthroat hipster. Yesterday she was mad because her hipster music was on pop-radio, which caused her to find new music to be more hipster than the other hipsters.
A vape hipster always has new, uncommon mods in their hands. They'll usually bash on popular, trendy mods and have or want U.S. Custom built mods.
Person 1: Look, I just got the new IPV!
Person 2: Oh, that's okay. Look at my new U.S. made custom built series, unregulated duel 18650 box mod with mos fut protection! #LowSerialNumbers!
Person 1: Oh wow, you're such a vape hipster!
noun. A room in which nerds vape together with the doors and windows shut so the room fills up with thick clouds of water vapor. Commonly used for taking selfies in the cloud, and crowd sourcing a sense of belonging and coolness.
It was a total hipster hotbox in there, I couldn't see past all the selfie sticks and water vapor.
Someone who hated something before it became popular to hate on it
“Hey have you played Fortnite?”
“That game sucks ass”
“You just hate it because it’s popular”
“I hated it before it became popular”
“Oh, well you must be the devil’s hipster”
A rather stylish or fashionable individual, usually male. Can also just be a compliment for a cool dude.
Can be used interchangeably with the term "Drippy Hippy"
(Doesn't usually describe a hipster).
O-dog: ayo B-dog did you see John's new cut,
B-Dog: nah show us.
*shows picture of John's new cut*
B-Dog: Damn, what a Dripster Hipster.
Hipsters cannot over come the power of normal swag, so must obtain their own type of swag, the slightly less powerful swag is sweg, hipsters may pretend to be gangsters by smoking weed 24/7 and listening to Tyler the creator/odd future, but in reality, they will never over come the boundary which separates them from swag and sweg.
Harry Evans has the most amount of hipster sweg in the UK, Leeds is full of hipsters.
"Tiny house" a caravan built by a hipster for much more than the cost of a caravan.
Hipster caravans may be called hipster trailers in some cultures.
That fanny just bought a hipster caravan for 30 grand haw haw haw.