Source Code

Wizard Shit Lord

When someone runs out in the street wearing an open gray robe, but is naked underneath, and begins shouting, "I'm the Wizard of Hummingham Tower!" Then after getting the attention of the general population, he proceeds to pull a clump of his own pubic hairs, puts them in his mouth, chews, and tries to swallow. Realizing he can't swallow a wad of hair, for he is not the wizard of owl-pellets, he vomits all over the local magistrate, pull his pants down, and jerks him off all over his beard. After about twenty minutes of him repeating this, he is arrested by local authorities.

Nelson: A few days ago, I got so drunk and high, that I pulled a Wizard Shit Lord.

Hollen: Is that why you're calling me from Jail?

by Michael Tollhouse Cookies October 9, 2008

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oh lord, terry

kid in a wheelchair named terry, trying to light a firecracker but can't get away from it quick enough so the sparks fly all over him. the uncle who does the barbecue during 4th of july yells "OH LORD TERRY! PUT IT IN REVERSE TERRY!"

terry, oh lord! oh. my. lord. PUT IT IN REVERSE TERRY! oh lord, terry..

by t8ped February 20, 2019

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Lord Jesus Perm

A Straightening Perm that causes the ends of the hair follicles to gracefully swoop upward in a heavenly manner, similiar to the hairstyle depicted in pictures of "White Jesus".

1. "I'm bald headed but i used to have a Lord Jesus Perm" - E-40

by NorthernCalifoolya1988 September 2, 2010

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Little Lord Cuntleroy

A pompous spoiled cunt, usually male, who takes his wealth and privilege for granted.

A posh cunt.

Guy 1: I'm spending the summer on the Riviera at Crispin's place, what are you losers doing?

Guy 2: You fucking Little Lord Cuntleroy

by omsk-static February 24, 2010

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dark market lord

Dark Market Lord (DML) refers to a highly skilled and influential hacker who holds a significant position within the dark web community. DMLs are considered some of the most powerful and capable hackers, often associated with illegal activities and cybercrime. As of now, there are 13 people referred to as DMLs however, there is not a limit on how many people are DMLs. Being a DML implies two things: 1. You're on the same level as one of the 7 keyholders; 2. A hacker(typically blackhat or government affiliated) with enough influence on the black market/cybercrime that their absence would throw away balance on the entire dark web.

Some notable DMLs include: m1x/Wazawaka, Nosophoros "the plug", czpy "the fedkiller", lk-4d4, "daddy" slav, Black Alex/Metasploit, nochan "the terrible", ji8 "god of trojans", BlackFox. The rest of the 'lords' are large criminal enforcement agencies such as the FBI.

One of the Dark Market Lords was captured and is set to face trial!

by srsbaka July 21, 2023

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lord wellington

winning a battle by having sex a napoleanic woman

he pulled a lord wellington when he got to have sex with that girl

by bamhimthree December 20, 2007

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Pike Lord

When someone smells that bad, and has never washed his pathetic short back and sides with a nike tick. Is not just a pikey... He is lord of the pikeys. Him and his pikeletts. go around robbing pieces of wood to construct there cart so they can ride a horse, even though its the 21st Century.

Steve: Dare you to smell lee...

Greg: Aww, Fuck that he smells like piss.

Hes such a pike Lord.

Steve: hahaha, Yeah... Bet his mum does Mkat

by QWOPAK47 January 19, 2011

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