Source Code

cash money

Legally accepted tender at Bubs' Concession Stand.

We accept:
Cash Money
(Pencil Shavings)

by The Ugly One February 28, 2004

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poop money

the excess funds one accrues from having an insanely well paying job or rich family, which one then spends frivolously on goods and services.

"man, i'm so wasted. chase's poop money bought us so many drinks last."

"mr. jones shits money. he bought another rolls royce with his poop money."

by samwich man May 15, 2010

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Cash Money

To vomit, from excessing drinking and or other various substances. Used in the song Bling Bling, by BG

Hit the club and light the bitch up, cash money motto is to drink til you thrown up.

by Ben Kremer February 29, 2008

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Daddyโ€™s money

Kids, typically white, wealthy girls under 22 and under, who are given everything in life and have no true stresses and no real idea as to how the adult world really works.

My daddyโ€™s money bought me a brand new car straight off the factory line.

by Jay joe 8964 April 10, 2021

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The Money Slap

The act of ejaculating in your hand and then slapping someone in the face with that hand.

Jason: "Dude what happened to your face?"
Kyle: "I called Justin Fat and that bastard gave me the money slap!"
Jason: "Damn i guess you wont be Talking shit about him no more"

by Pestonibel November 6, 2008

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money abuse

money abuse is where people spend money on something they dont need and dont spend it on the things they need.

in the book the glass castle the parents spend their money on alcohol and on art supplies and not on food to feed their four children. this is money abuse

by im bob kiss ass January 15, 2012

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Cash paid to a male prostitute, usually for deviant homosexual behavior.

"Last night was off the hook. That shit was Mark-Money spent right."

"I blew my Mark-Money on Tuesday."

by Larry Sabato October 20, 2006

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