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Scene King

some stupid nick-name that people on Urban Dictionary made up for scene kids in order to obtain a lot of thumbs up votes.

Idiot: Hey look at that Scene King

Scene Kid: what the fuck are you talking about?

Idiot: You know.... famous myspace scene kids!

Scene Kid: wow your a fucker. Why dont you go define shit head on Urban Dictionary you dick face.

by asdfghjklrabbit February 24, 2009

50๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

Scene kids usually all look alike and have the same hairstyle. They don't have their own style, even though some girls say they do.

Female scene kids usually have choppy hair or hair that resembles a huge mullet. They wear little girl clips and are obsessed with eyeliner. They are also obsessed with little kid stuff. They wear skinny jeans with stripped shirts. A lot of the times they wear little kid shirts. They wear flats, leggings, and stripped socks. They always have a picture of them in this certain pose. Their mouth would be opened like they're surprised. They take pictures with the camera high above their side so you could only slightly see the side of their face. They usually have their mouth to the side or make stupid "ugly and cute" facial expressions. The pictures are always photoshopped of course.

come to the show with me ily!! && give me fruity pebbles they make me smile ♥♥ lol rawr scene kid

by Rosanna Marie October 26, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

Ignorant kids who steal punk culture, milk it's fashion to death, and remove all the politics, attitude, purpose from it all for the sake of fashion and "individuality". Individuality they ruin because they assimilate it to the point where everyone from rap fans to the Olson twins can wear it and the word individuality it's self looses meaning.

It's all about looking good and being selfish.

Punk's took ugly and made it shocking, scene kids took ugly and made it fashionable.

by Thepunkranter March 24, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

A Scene Kid is a really pathetic loser, about 13-16, who follows current trends, or the scene, because they are insecure about their own identity and feel the need to copy others.

At the moment Scene Kids typically dress like a cross between Emo and Nu Rave. Both sexes wear tight black skinny jeans, brighly coloured Converse and check/studded belts. Expect them to go 'punk rawk revolution!' in a couple of years time.

Male Scene Kids wear tight band T shirts or neon T's with angular patterns. They wear wristbands showing all the gigs they've ever been to, have some kind of facial piercing and have black hair with a shock of bright colour, cut in the Emo style.

Female Scene Kids wear 80's style clothing with clashing colours and patterns, big jewelery, ridiculous amounts of neon makeup and have pretty similar hair to the guys, only longer and sometimes backcombed.

They listen to bands in the current disco/nu rave/post hardcore scene, bands that NME go ape about, and bands with copious punctuation in their names, such as Hadouken!, Does It Offend You Yeah? and !!!

Scene Kids spend their days on social networking sites, such as MySpace or Bebo, talking to fellow Scene Kids about new bands and clothes they bought. They also like taking 'arty' photographs of themselves at mind-bending camera angles in their bathrooms.

They often retain traces of previous scenes they were into, such as liking rap music or wearing skate shoes. They think they're the 'in' crowd when they actually end up looking like twats.

Scene Kids are basically people who follow the crowd and steal from other social groups to fit in.

Scene Kid 1: Dude! Check out my vintage Vans! All the cool kids are wearing them!
Scene Kid 2: Wow! Not as awesome as my retina-buring T shirt I got from H&M!
Scene Kid 3: Hey, check out this band on MySpace! They're called Kitasuki!!*&?
Normal Kid: You guys are losers...

by desperate_d April 20, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kid

A scene kid is someone that dresses like he/she does because it is "cool" to do so.

Scene kids cannot think or act for themselves.

Scene kids listen to the music that is "in" at the time. At the moment it being emotionally charged hardcore ("emo")/hardcore. They list loads of bands in their "favourites" on Myspace, that they've never even listened to.

Basically a scene kid is a wannabe. And they are not individual whatsoever.

Scene kids wear half their hair over one eye.

Most scene kids get called "emos" which is stupid because "emo" is a type of music, and the only way people are emo is that they are "emotional".

Scene kids SUCK..

If I think of more I will post another...

If you read this, because you want to become "scene" all you need to do, is listen to bands that are "in" at the moment. Wear tight pants, that show your ass a bit. For guys eyeliner is in, for girls eyeliners always been in. Lip piercings will always make you scene. And if you use Myspace make sure you pose in all of your pictures and try to get as much friends as possible.

by Miss Kiv June 2, 2005

137๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene girl

Average Scene Girl
-choppy layered mullet
-multi-colored hair
-owns many things that are neon colored
-band and dinosaur T-shirts
-snakebites,monroe or septum piercing
-owns a sidekick,RAZR or SLVR
-mulitple pairs of skinny jeans
-Myspace account with more friends than Tom(if that's even possible)
-only assocates with other scene kids
-wears outrageous amount of eyeliner and eyeshadow

Scene Girl:i think im gonna wear a massive amount of eyeliner today,with a massive amount of glittery neon pink eyeshadow
Scene Boy:me too!
Scene Boy&Girl:we are soo scene and better than everyone!

by abhjuiksld October 9, 2006

513๐Ÿ‘ 693๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

1- Person who knows the local music scene very well. They knows the bands, who works with whom, which band is friends with this or that other band. Present at almost every show they can afford, especially local band shows.

2- Person who is known by people in their area, especially by people who frequent the same places and have the same style as them. For an example, that person will be known at 2 or 3 clubs downtown, acknoledged with the staff there, and know a few DJs.

There are many other ways to define a scene kid. Mostly, it's someone with a social reputation in their chosen subculture and area.

Girl: Hey I've seen Cathy at the Saphir yesterday... she was chatting with the barmaid, that's usual.

Boy: Yeah, well Cathy is such a scene kid! I saw her at 2 shows last week.

by Pav-Chan August 8, 2005

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