When you drop a food on the ground, you have 5 seconds to pick it up before the germs come on it. After you do this, you blow or wipe off the food and eat it. This doesn't apply to sticky foods and dirty floors.
*drops food*
*Frantically picks it up*
*Blows and eats*
When a character or person is recreated their boobs are second hand boobage
“Did you see that statue?” “yeah it has second hand boobage.”
The same as spoiling but with a twist. It is saying that a character did not die in the movie and is still alive instead of telling the person who dies.
Mark: Oh boy I’m about to see endgame!
Chris: Nice! You know Thor doesn’t die!
Mark: Damn it chris! You just second hand spoil!
When you use a bong or pipe after someone has used it for a spliff or mole bowl and get a head rush from the nicotine.
Jared used my bong after I ripped a spliff and he got second hand domed.
When you get horny from hearing of someone else's sexual interactions
I got Second Hand Horniness when hearing about Jacob's girlfriend
when a sober person pretends to be drunk or acts stupid among drunk people
is that guy drunk?
no, it's just second hand drinking
The liquid that comes out of your ass after the first cup of coffee
“Dude I’m about to go brew some serious second hand coffee”