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Social reject

Usually a person who doesn't go outside and had no friends. They usually Listen to weird music and have a emoish attitude. An Overall Mistake in society.

Josh has no friends,he's such a social reject

by Poopstealer64 May 30, 2021

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social pygmy

A person who spends way too much time online belittling others and refuses to admit that his real world problems are a result of his diminished social skills

Did you see that guy who spams everythread with retardness? He is a social pygmy

by metsluver March 22, 2010

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Poop Social

The act of gathering a group of friends, heading to a bathroom with multiple stalls, and pooping together. Conversations will take place most of the time.

Friend 1: Oh god, this Taco Bell's gonna run right through me
Friend 2: Hit me later for a poop social man

by halfrican594 February 2, 2011

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social worker

making lots of money out of people's misery. part of the burgeoning 'new professions class' of the late 20thC and usually a socialist, liberal or worse. social workers took over where the church left off. may know the difference between right and wrong but doesn't see why it should apply to them. a secular priest, monk or nun who enforces politically acceptable thought and behaviour on the hapless, helpless and hopeless. talks complete psychobabble with no scientific foundation whatsoever. often pilloried for taking children into care or leaving them to die; whichever the press find most distressing at the time. almost always an insecure individual who should be having therapy not giving it.
MALE of type tries to compensate for the low social status by talking complete bollocks at the pub.
FEMALE, usually a cat owner, likely to be crazy as a coot and in medieval times would have been burned as a witch.
SW MANAGER has generally failed even at this low level and so exacerbates the public's woes with incompetence in leadership.
most SWs try to avoid mentioning it at parties or face the prospect of further rejection. secretly support the British National Party.

social worker; 'As a social worker, I like to consider the full psycho-socio-sexual-ethnic dynamic in operation in any given situation or mele before drawing a tentative conclusion or proposal. I mean, I may not even go so far as to reach a conclusion, perhaps only hinting at a possible resolution, if that's ok with you?, which may in fact or actually not even be so certain as that. Is that wrong d'ya think?? I believe people should be allowed to live their own lives without interference from the state until we interfere. Failure is a negative concept and I don't like to use that word. However, the true answer may only ever be 'Yes'...or...'No' or...'Maybe'.... and it's never absolutely cl..'

normal person; 'Sorry to interupt. I'm afraid it's too late, the child / old person has been battered into the next life!'

by Hedley Clubnobber September 17, 2006

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communism and socialism

Totalitarianism. (also national socialism,fascism,international socialism,corporate welfare/coporate socialism,the UN,etc)

Total utter bullshit.


Some assholes must finance this bullshit.Hmmm,who could possibly finance these types of globalist fun and games and social engineering experiments? Hmmm,who could it be...who has the money to finance this bullfuckingshit?

Rich people.That's who.BILLIONAIRES ->Capitalists!!!!!

Communism and socialism are gay fantasies of the globalists (elitists).

Communism = rich people telling the poor people to kill the middle class so that the poor people can rule and share the wealth (or more like share the poverty because the rich will still be rich and still rule,and the poor will still be poor...they just got your dumb ass to kill their enemy,the middle class...now they own your poor ass and you're their slave,congratulations,fucktard!)....

socialism is just communism minus the revolutions,
in other words the government is just slowly implementing it and slowly conditioning your dumb ass to accept it (let me put it into a digestible soundbite for you, "Mr.Gorbachev,tear down this wall"...that means that the marxist/communist revolutionary approach failed but conditioning people to accept it works much better!)

either way you will eventually become a total slave and lose all of your rights

by fuck you rich college faggots September 2, 2005

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Social Life

What a lot of facebook users/video game addicted people, (especially males), lack. A social life may include, but is not limited to: Partying - shopping/chilling at the mall - generally just hanging out with friends/dating - going to a gym - having family gatherings - playing sports whether for a league or just traditionally - having hobbies besides sports such as yoga, playing cards.. etc.. A social life is something that can help solve the ever growing issue of facebook/videogame addiction that can turn one into a shut in that never leaves the house.

Facebook apps are so addicting, that's all I do now-uh-days besides work. I have no social life!!

by Michael Schmoe September 12, 2012

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social blade

Your level of popularity on social media
if you’re social blade is green that means you’re well known and highly popular, but if it’s red you’re unknown

I posted a bikini pic on my instagram, gotta get that green social blade!

by greensocialblade May 16, 2018

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