Exspensive item on your wrist! Like gold/diamond watch or bracelets
Flexing on them haters with this wrist stupid!!!
Inability or awkwardness when merging into traffic often to dangerous effect.
Johnny was driving and everything was going fine until we had to get on the highway; he is merge-stupid.
That sharp tinge of embarassment that shoots up your back and into the back of your head when someone does or says something incredibly wrong or stupid in a staunch and decisive manner.
When Leonard got in that dude's face and insisted that Guam was a state -- I got a massive stupid chill.
1.A great nickname for someone who is utterly stupid as a box of hammers.
2.A character played by Tom Arnold in the movie ' The Stupids"
3. My brother in law
1.Great..... Stanley Stupid is at it again.... get it together man!!!!! You've done this job for almost a year now...
2. Stanley Stupid is not a funny guy in the movie.
3. Stanley Stupid does not need to eat mayonnaise out of a jar... it goes on a fuckin sandwich.
Another level of marijuana's sensory goodness. Better than good good. So loud it's obscene, almost stupid. Can be smelled blatantly through two bags.
"Got some stupid loud on deck"
Ro-Stupidity is an account on Twitter made by an unknown user on an unknown location. This account is being used to post memes about the ROBLOX Aviation and to make fun of people in the community that looks stupid after several ro-aviators has sent their picture that is a meme in the Private Messages of ro-stupidity on Twitter.
Hey man! Did you know that Ro-Stupidity made fun of LeMonde Airlines? Haha! The memes he posted killed me.
A person who is lacking intelligence or common sense. Often used as being indifferent to a stupid person doing or saying something ridiculous or fool-hearty
Example 1
"I thought she was perfect but she claims this is not 10 inches... Wow, am I a stupid jimmie"
Example 2
"Hey stupid jimmie!! Your fly is open... again!!!"
Example 3
"Get out of the river you stupid jimmie!! The water is below freezing!!"