Edward is a twat.
He has a 0.5cm penis.
He is shorter than the dwarf down the road and he is the dumbest person you will ever neet
That Edward over there. Yeah he has a really small penis.
This person is great sweet smart cute strong and puts family and friends first put has bad past experiences that makes it hard to trust people but falls for people fast
I think my best friend Edward likes me
Kinda gay, weird, and most of all, ass at call of duty
Edward is ass at call of duty
Edward is a word/name given to The best footballplayer and a sexy asian guy. Sometimes used to describe how smart you are.
He is better than Messi, He is so Edward!¿
That guy over there is Edward with The girls;)
Emir Edward bin Welsh, authoritarian leader of the Islamic State of Wales since early 2021. Know to be extremely hot and expels genius from his pores. His hobbies include invading England and pretending he’s Irish.
Damn Edward was really hot when he terrorized those English children.