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penis surprise

It's the name of a dish served in movie theatres by tearing a hole in the bottom of a popcorn bucket, inserting your penis, and then offering some popcorn to your date sitting next to you.
Be warned, side effects include a dried up, salty cock, but if you play your cards right, lips will remedy this.

"Would you like some popcorn, Kathrine?... *Penis Surprise!*"

by Jon, Kev and Sean September 2, 2006

95πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

penis rinser

A designated person whose job it is to rinse penis. The penis rinser may be assigned to a single, or multiple penises.

Geoff: Man, I really got it all over the place with that cumfart...we’re gonna need some tissues.

Norbert: No need, my personal penis rinser will take care of our penises.

Geoff: Wow! Thanks bro!

by Hammer of Jesus April 25, 2019

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

pretty penis

1.a penis that is so amazing, the only word that can explain it is pretty.
2.a penis that is mouth watering.

he has a pretty penis, i could suck it all day long!

by Tha Star Diva! April 6, 2009

117πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Penis inches

A standard of measurement with no basis in reality. The phrase derives from men who exaggerate the size of their penis.

I think I can fit in that parking spot.

Seriously? What, are you measuring in penis inches?

by rickbrunernyc August 6, 2009

49πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

sparkle penis

Edward Cullen's penis in the novel series Twilight. Since he is a vampire who sparkles, it's only logical that his penis sparkles as well.

It is assumed that because Robert Pattison is playing Cullen in the Twilight movie, he will has a sparkle penis as well.

"My, what a sparkly... sparkle penis!"

by rpattzfan91 June 18, 2008

59πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

my penis

landen was rubbing his dicc today so i thought id make this

Me: What do you want the word to be on urban dictionary
Landen: My Penis!

by yellow ball with a face on it January 18, 2019

104πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Helicopter Penis

Created when a nude man successfully attempts to take flight by swinging his penis in circles like the blades on a helicopter.

"What's that in the sky?"
"Is it a bird?"
"Is it a plane?"
"No you fuckin morons! Get your fuckin eyes checked, it's just Joe -- he finally got his helicopter penis up and running."

by that1dud3 November 30, 2009

83πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž