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<verb> to next week

This is used for when somebody, you, or overall anything does anything TOO much or too hard.

"That guy got slapped into next week by that girl.. Ouch."
"Hey what does <verb> to next week mean?"
"Basically where you overdo something, or do it too well."

by whenthefriedchickeneggs October 5, 2022

3 weeks

A time when a boy doesn’t talk to you or “ghosts” you for 3 weeks.

“He’s pulling a 3 weeks, should we break up?”

by Sunflowers45 July 9, 2019

Date your crush for a week

You have to date your crush for a week

Girl:Hey do you want to go on a date? Boy:why? Girl:because it’s Date your crush for a week day

by Bananaboo315 December 11, 2019

I can’t shit for a week

When you eat something so cheesy that it plugs your asshole till next week.

Person A: I’ll take a large cheese pizza with extra cheese please.
Person B: No dad, I can’t shit for a week if we get that pizza

by BipolarUnicorn2 March 27, 2020

The weeks give up

The weeks give up, or in swedish ”veckans ge sig” refers to a term used by a group of swedish boys weekly selecting a person that has behaved immature or bad during the week. The weeks give up is something you want to avoid and the more ”veckans ge dig” you get the higher chance you have to get the years give up, or ”årets ge sig” which is another term invented by the same group of boys

- Yo why are you behaving so mature and good?
- I don’t want to get the weeks give up!
- True, me neither

- Man, Alejandro is running a big chance of getting the weeks give up!

- I know, i will probably vote on him.
- Me two, or maybe i will vote on Broder Elias.

by Wolfy0099 May 30, 2019

Student of the week

Student of the week is a person randomly selected from the class who is the center of attention for a week on the fanpage

Person 1:“Hey do you know who student of the week is?”
Person 2:“Yeah its Henry

by Billybobbyjoeyeeyee October 23, 2019

National Tickling Week

This lasts from December 23rd to the 30th. It then recurs from the 1st of January to the 8th.

National Tickling Week is an entire week in which you tickle your MOST ticklish, single , friend for 2-10 minutes a day straight. This person you choose to tickle you must tell them they cannot get mad or you will do it again.

by That person who says stuff...: December 23, 2019