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hot town

City of Houston in Texas.

Vitaliy says: "What is Hot Town?"
Mike says: "Where Roger Clemens f'd up"

by Kazakh June 18, 2008

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hot swappable

The ability to plug and un-plug different accessories to a computer without having to turn it off.

The laptop computer has a hot swappable port for a CD ROM or floopy disk drive.

by VAKI5 May 12, 2005

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hot topic

A store overly thought at as a store for goth, punk, emo, etc... when infact its a store that is supposed to be "all about the music" And it was (and still is) a place to find clothing and other items that most other stores (A.E. gap, etc...) dont sell.

Wow. Hot topic sell all kinds of music T's. Anything from punk to screamo to even Willie Nelson and N.W.A.

by Bob210 November 12, 2006

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hot dogger

A person that does something spectacular when something much easier would have done the trick quicker and more efficiently. Hot dogging is the verb.

That baseball player dove for the ball, what a hot dogger!

Anderkon, you wild man your such a hot dogger!

by Plantus November 10, 2006

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hot curry

an attractive indian person

me: woohoo! there goes a hot curry
bhav: i wouldnt mind a taste of that

by CrAzY mIdGeT March 16, 2004

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splattery hots

Earth shaking, mind-bended, knee quaking diarrhea with a burning sensation. Similar to molten lava pouring from your anus.

After he had spent the night eating jalapeΓ±os with hot sauce and binge drinking, Steve woke up with the splattery hots and thought he was going to die.

by Digitaldevil November 3, 2006

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hot ass

A person who is really good looking. Or someone with an extreamly nice ass. See also Nikki Aninno

Damn that Nikki Annino is a hot ass

by Matty Bo January 21, 2004

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