roughly translates to ‘I’m at my limit and I’m gonna end it all’
Commonly used when someone is depressed, and is truly at their emotion or mental limit- who might end it all at some point
“Hey are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m just tired”
When you scream, yeah , but it's yelled enthusiastically and sharply; most times this means there's good news.
TOMMY: Did you get the chicken dinner?
JON: I sure did.
Yeah but I like to say it a few more times
Do you want ass “yeah yeah yeah”
You probably only know them from that A-Trak remix or that one 10 hour video
Hot singer too
Holy shit, I found the song. It's from a band name yeah yeah yeahs
means no. can be used to reject someones ideas sort of nicely or to completely disagree with something
"hey so for the group project i was thinking we could do it on the ocean"
"yeahh no sorry"
"should we go shopping again today"
"yeah NO i do not wanna see people from school again"
Yeah no: Stop playing with me
Yeah no: Wrong one, baby
Yeah no: To end a final conversation
Yeah no: To conclude an argument
Yeah no: Play with yo mama
Man: I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.
Woman: Yeah no, you’re on your own.
"Fo yeah, I'm awesome!"
"Do you want to go to the movies?" "Fo yeah!"