A type of period in which the female feels a slight chill afterwards
Girl, i just had my first chill period.
Guy 1: Man, today I layed in my bed, watched Netflix and ate some cheetos...
Guy 2: Dude... that's chill as hell
Inner chill is reflects the chill of your personality. You can be chill with most external things, but your true personality takes things more seriously, meaning you have a lack of inner chill.
I'm pretty chill with my friends, but in reality I prefer to be professional, I have no inner chill.
Instead of Netflix and chill, why not just "Somo and Chill". Meaning you listen to somo, while performing sexual acts
Woman: oh my did you hear the Sally decided to somo and chill with roger?
when you wipe your ass with a stock option application and give it to someone saying it isn't shitty
usually associate with head ass Jim Cramer, the worlds shittiest CNBC financial advisor, creating bag holders since 2000's.
a. Man, I lost so much listening to that terrible CNBC personality" "Dude, sounds like you got Jimmy Chill'd!"
b. "I though something about this CNBC suggested stock smelled shitty. It's a Jimmy Chill"
A more modern term for the phrase 'Hang out' or 'Go out with my friends'
Yo, Eric, lets go chill rocks with your boy from Chicago.