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Nigger Band

a black person who usually wears their pants down to the middle of the thigh. thus comes the word “nigger band”. which is the band on their underwear , whether is haines , ae, or hollister... they never fail to have us see the nigger bands.

“did you see his Nigger Band”

yeahhh that shits hot

by stfu69420 June 8, 2018

2👍 6👎

Band Camp

a place that makes the band kids feel part of something, when in complete actuality, no one outside of the marching band, cares about.

"This one time at band camp" "no one cares..."

by itscalledlife March 3, 2012

5👍 23👎

void (band)

An awesome band from Brisbane, who usually play at Radar Rock Live in the Park in Indooroopilly, and have written many original songs including The Ekka Song, Again & Again, Incompetent, No Turning Back, and many others which have been only released in demo form. Go to www.blastoff.org, for details on when the concerts they usually play at are on. The genre of music they play is Rock, combined with acoustic and just classic rock, which creates a unigue and awesome sound. A.K.A The Spades and The Spunts

Void (band) is a great unique rock band waiting to be discovered.

by Markkk December 5, 2006

4👍 17👎


a follwer of a band, not to be mistaken for a groupie. a band-aid has no morals and in many cases serves the sole purpose of oral pleasure

folowing the band just so you can say you did them

by slmlax11 April 20, 2004

10👍 44👎

Band of Brothers

When you and you best friends rubber band your cocks together to really show a lady a good time.

Mitzi went camping with Martin, Ben, Lyle and Todd last night. They gave her a fireside Band of Brothers that had her screaming all night in ecstasy.

by Trainius M November 12, 2018

1👍 2👎

Band Bitch

Like Band Mama this is a lone female working with a group of male musicians doing everything from making tea, writing music, scheduling digs but unlike Band Mama get's treated like brainlessbimbo.

Oy band bitch you're not writing a book this is meant to be a pop song, duh. And while we're at it, why haven't you found Rodriguez?He's been lost for at least 1 hour!

by Nina O'Grongle July 11, 2008

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Marching Band

The place in school where all the losers who think their special because their in Band go to get "friends." They somehow hate band but still do it anyway even though they everyone hates them because all they talk about is band and nothing else.

Hey... did, did you know I'm in Marching Band?... yeah, pretty cool huh? Yeah? lets go on a date in the band classroom.
- marching band kids trying to get bitches

by Slipstream69420 January 22, 2023

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