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Binge Painting

The act of painting for such a long time with no inhale protection, no goggles, no gloves until you collapse, lose consciousness, or drift off into sleep apnea. Symptoms of binge painting include blurred vision, dry mouth, sinus headache, being able to actually FEEL the soft tissue behind your eyes, and sensitive teeth.

1) Last day Antony was binge painting so hard that today I'm wondering if he can level-up by hitting his coworker with a spray can.

by amdb4z November 11, 2017

floss binge

When you only floss seldom, so binge when you actually do it

I had a nice floss binge, last night--a very soothing gum massage!

by Doos Jarus May 25, 2021

shing bing loh whai

Shit you say to mock a person of asian decent, a “chink”.

Look at this fucking “shing bing loh whai” looking chink.

by shing bing August 8, 2022

bing bang boo boo baby

A word explaining the sentence of someone who cant have sex with people their age so they have sex with infants

Jack: "Since I can't have sex, im going to commit bing bang boo boo baby

by bites_za_dusto January 17, 2020