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Dip like a chip

When you are in a awkward situation or a bad situation that you need to get out of. Can be used almost anytime it will apply to situations like in gaming, Parties, Get together and even a family reunion.

Me: Sorry bro I have to dip like a chip.
Friend: Ohh chilled bro will see u another time.

by The pigg June 11, 2020

chocolate chocolate chip

The cure of everything.

chocolate chocolate chip

by MondoBongoBig November 29, 2022

Chocolate Chip Nips

When her nipples are so tiny that you are left with no choice but to envision chocolate chips

Dude did you see Hannah’s tit pics, holy shit she has chocolate chip nips man those things are tiny!

by Creampie_guy69 February 19, 2020

buy a bag of chips

1. excuse to leave a private party to go get sucked off

2. some mysterious errand johnny goes to do in the middle of the night

3. sneaky segue to go have a private conversation

1. Bro 1: Where u goin bro the party's just starting?
Bro 2: I'm gonna go buy a bag of chips...
Bros 1&2: EXTREME!!

2. Johnny: I have to go run an errand.
Travis (drunk): Bullshit dude we're having a party!?
Johnny (douchey): Fuck you guys I gotta go.
Joe (pretty buzzed): Well bring back some chips!
Johnny: Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go buy a bag of chips.

3. Well it looks like we're running low on snacks, we're just gonna go buy a bag of chips

by boosh chugger May 27, 2009

Pussy flavor chips

CHAZZ chips from Lithuania

- I want some pussy flavor chips
- Sure, go to chazzchips.com/lt/putes-skonio-traskuciai
- thanks Dad

by Seekingapproval September 8, 2022

chocolate chip pussy

When a girl wipes from back to front, getting fecal matter on/in/around her vagina. This also makes the vagina smell like it’s housing a rotted miscarriage.

Person 1: Yea dude. I went over to her place to hook up, and when I took her panties off, I realized she had a bad case of chocolate chip pussy.
Person 2: Fuck man, that’s nasty.

by fermentednuts January 31, 2021

drunken chip bandit

Someone that, after a certain amount of beverages, disappears into the night, later to be found sneakily eating a copious amount of chips. Generally, the DCB ends their night with chip debris, or cheeto powder, all over their face.

May be abbreviated to DCB, which is close to another abbreviation, DB (abbreviation for douche bag). Coincidence? I think not.

You: "When and where'd you get that bag of Cheetos, Jon? How have you already eaten half of those, and how the hell did you sneak them into the strip club? What's wrong with you?"

Friend: "Oh, don't worry about him. He's a DCB (Drunken Chip Bandit)."

DCB/Jon: "nomnom crunchcrunchcrunch"

by youngjeasy December 8, 2011