Another word for the LGBTQ+ community if you want to use it in an area full of homophobes.
Hey, do you support Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, Tomato, Quinoa plus community?
Yeah of course I do!
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A bizarre warning message displayed before some YouTube videos if the system thinks the video you are about to watch contains highly sensitive material. Videos containing hate speech usually get this. On the creator's side, this can be a nightmare as the video can get demonetized. Likes, comments, and suggested videos are also removed too.
My new video was doing well until it got flagged and now displays a warning that the following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences. I didn't include any of that content.
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A 300lb dumbfuck who stays in their moms basement playing the Xbox 360 their mom gave them 8 years ago.
They often have no education, are illiterate and usually think arson = funny, it’s common for these type of discord moderators to watch underage Tik-Tok e-girls dancing.
See: pedophile
I would rant on the “see the world die in their hands” part but that would take too long. So…
See: gacha kid, roblox kid, dumbfuck
Person 3: Man I just heard Person 89 knows very little english
Person 10: You mean him and those low life scumbags that know very little in English communication and would rather watch the world laugh at the stupidity in their hands..? Yeah fuck them.
Person 3: Jesus don’t explain the entire FNAF lore just from that holy-
Dealing with relationships can be complicated, and there are often hidden stories behind couples' surface-level interactions. Every relationship is unique, and each partner brings their past experiences, values, and communication styles to the table.
Dealing with relationships can be complicated, and there are often hidden stories behind couples' surface-level interactions. Every relationship is unique, and each partner brings their past experiences, values, and communication styles to the table.
A really cool dude; a guy that everyone can relate to or have access to
Paul Blart is so chill, wow, I wish I was a communal dude like him.
A cooler way to say community garden, and an illuminating jab at Freemasonry.
Everyone's invited.
Meet us at the community g-spot in Gräfenberg, we are hosting an open mic and having dinner.
The low man on the totem pole. The person, who because of their status or ineptitude, is accustomed to taking other people's shit and being routinely pissed on.
Boss man: "Hey everyone, let me introduce you to the new community diaper, Tom! He' s gonna be filling in for Sarah while she's away for the next few months, so feel free to shit on him just like you would her!"
Tom: "hi, I'm Tom.........."