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When a bitchass nigga ain’t able to hang


by Ross da boss October 31, 2019

here nigga damn

When an award/recognition is given to someone due to pity rather than merit

Dirk in 2006: Why didnt I win MVP
2007 MVP voters: "Here nigga damn"

by tchngcq May 10, 2024

6👍 1👎

Damn right you won't

A quote from an idiot i.e. Brandon

Damn right you won't

by Uwtanqnowiwqjbw anssj July 22, 2019

Mollie Damn Murphy

Mollie one of my closest friend.Shes very funny nice and kind.Mollie is the kind of person that even if its the end of the world she would still be laughing.Even though she doesn’t obey much she always means good. :) I love her.

Cole:I dont like Mollie Damn Murphy.
Me:u have No taste do u?

by I love mooolie May 15, 2022

Damn that's crazy

When you don't care what your friend has to say

Homie: And then she winked at me
You: Damn that's crazy

by PenguinLord5 September 18, 2023

damn that's crazy

The phrase to use when you're conversing with somebody that can't shut the fuck up. A lot of people have a limited number of times they'll say the phrase before interrupting, walking off, or ending the conversation. Unfortunately, social media has inflated people's self importance enough to where this phrase is used quite often.

Freddie: "So anyway, I had to deal with the health insurance company, and just wait until I tell you about THAT phone call."

Aaron: "damn that's crazy"

by RollyPolly657 August 16, 2024

damn that's crazy

The line you use when your friend is rambling on about bullshit you don't care about and they lack the social awareness to shut the fuck up, so you say the bare minimum to sound engaged.

Frequently but not always, the line has to be used when interacting with one specific person that thinks the drama in their life is interesting to everyone around them. These tend to be the same people who use speakerphone in public and blast music in their cars because they assume the world revolves around them.

George: ...so me and Macy were going out, and we saw Jacob hanging out with Maddie!

Paul: damn that's crazy

George: ...and then (proceeds to continue spouting worthless shit)

by RollyPolly657 February 27, 2024