By day a mild mannered and all round card carrying David.
At night he transforms in to Big Rave Dave... A master of wiff waff, backgammon, jazz cooking and throwing shapes...
Will occasionally go in disguise as "Wee Davie..." when he wants to mix it up a bit...
Has been know to bang out excellent performances of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Lez Miz...
Is capable of capering to levels of extreme proportion when accompanied by his side kick Phmrb... Whose mystery is only exceeded by her power
Amy Winehouse: That Big Rave Dave parties so hard... How is he in bed at 9pm most nights?
Similar process to the wet willy, you swab the inside of your asshole with your pointer finger, and then push it into the mouth of your victim.
Ryan: Damn, why’s Jason over there throwing up
Connor: I gave him a dry dave
A man with such along shlong that he gets in there pretty well. Also known as a Pornstar with a Big Dick.
“All the ladies love Deep Dave.”
“Deep Dave deep dives in ya.”
is that korean dave?
omg yeah hes so gay and feminine, he should be a model slay
A fictional soldier from Umbrella Academy who grew up in Dallas Texas. He met and fell in love with Klaus Hargreeves when Klaus accidentally time traveled to 1968 (oops) and then died in the A Shau Valley, leaving Klaus with his dog tags.
Dave Katz was kind and strong and vulnerable and would have enlisted after JFK died if Klaus hadn't gotten involved (he tried bro)
The Daves : A person or persons, that constantly screws up the same task repeatedly but somehow gets to keep their job; typically named Dave
“Who screwed up payroll? It was one of the Daves.”
A sexy man with a beastly beard. Legend has it women orgasm as he walks by them.
"Did you feel a breeze?"
"No but i think i just had a Dave Cormier in my pants"