A place full of gamenight campers inactive verifieds people who talk about phantom forces and ugly ass anime and war thunder.
P1: hey man come join dragons discord server it's fun but it's even more fun if we camp out gamenight
P2: this server sounds fun let's both camp it and get featured on a video
1: to indicate a hungry and thirsty Egyptian man
2: the n word(family friendly)
Look, there's an Exe(Discord) lying on the sand dune over there, let's give him some children to eat
Wassup ma Exe(Discord)
Discord Developer Day is on October 30. This is the day when all discord bot developers can let their bots rampage the servers they are in. There are no rules for discord bots on this day.
Bot Developer: Hey its Discord Developer Day!
Server Moderators: oh no
the scariest hacker on discord. don’t dm will automatically leak ur addy and also the prettiest girl ever.
demise from discord is so scary. i would never mess with her! stay far away from her!!
A simple online group-chat that was originated by CENSORED. This group-chat is able to communicate through the application "Discord". It includes: LGBTQ+ people (Faggots), Furries and Baddies. 👯
Hey, wanna hangout in our cool the mimic pls discord gc?
The hottest bitch on discord is ally AKA bakuhoe AKA bunny
Omfg bunny is so hot
Obviously she's the hottest bitch on discord