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Ginz effect

Someone who lags.

A person who is always late.

Never being on time.

Also if someone is slow the people with him are influenced and are also not on time and lag.

The ultimate lagger.

Stop pulling a ginz.

Michael: They are being so slow.
Mark: That is called the Ginz effect.

The ginz effect causes everyone to lag.

No more ginz effecting. Let's go, Hurry up

by ebonics256 October 5, 2011

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dome effect

The scientific phenomena in which the snow always arrives last in the Augusta area. Also known as the Augusta hole.

It's been snow snowing for an nour in Bangor and there's already five ninches in Massachuzetts, but nothing in Augusta yet. Must be the dome effect again.

by weatherman570 February 1, 2008

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Mpemba effect

The Mpemba effect, sounding similar to the Mandela effect, is when you misspell or misattribute something to a similar sounding word. For instance, writing 'like pottery' instead of 'like poetry'. Because of this, the Mpemba effect is itself the Mpemba effect of the Mandela effect.

Q: Where did the term 'like pottery' originate from?
A: Oh, that's just the Mpemba effect working on 'like poetry'.

by aaccaaii September 1, 2022

medrano effect

A metaphysical/pataphysical phenomenon in which you gaslight yourself as well as people in your vicinity. See also: dizzying autism.

I got a bit of the Medrano Effect when I was studying at school. Now Iโ€™m more confused than when I started.

by HDiz123 October 1, 2023

The Farve Effect

The act of sexting and/or texting inapproiate things to a person of the opposite sex and later being accused of such acts.

The Farve Effect is Brett Farve and his bad choices.

by carlson9194 January 11, 2011

The Illest Effect

The phenomenon of making a vehicle faster by the application of stickers and other Walmart or truck stop purchased decorations and lighting. You can usually identify such modified vehicles by a state issued "Illest" label. Another tell tale sign is a high school drop out at the wheel, likely vaping and wearing a hat with it's original stickers and a "straight but curious" bill.

"Hey dawg! How'd you get your Kia-Honda-Mitsubishi-Hyundai to kinda sound like it is going so fast?!"

"Bro. Literally applying this sticker literally caused me to literally rev my economy car's engine to literally the point of explosion... it's the illest effect"

by Leocopter(TM) June 15, 2019

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Astroworld effect

Listening to any songs or albums and thinking it's okay, but not good. Then playing it again and it starts to grow on you. (It can be used also in other situations)

Friend 1: Have you listened to that new 21 Savages album, I am> I was?
Friend 2: Yeah, but it wasn't that great.
(Few days later)
Friend 1: Do you mind listening to 21?
Friend 2: Np I like it now, it has the Astroworld effect!

by Yikers December 28, 2018

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