Likes dark clothes but doesn't always wear black. Don't always cut themselves. The title isn't always given by someone else sometimes they realize it first. Likes music a lot. Favorite bands are probably Mcr, FOB, P!ATD, and TOP. Almost always accompanied by a black hair tie on their wrist. Almost always seen in skinny jeans, a band t-shirt and beanie. Not completely friendless but usually only a few close friends. Doesn't usually care what other people think. Will wear pajamas to school if they want to. Emo isn't always a bad thing. Emo is short for emotional. Emo is also derived from music. Do not get them confused with goth or scene usually has eyeliner.
Cheerleader #1 did you see that girl .
Cheerleader #2 I can't believe be she listens to Green Day and fall out boy!
Cheerleader #3 probably an emo.
Emo, over the years, has gathered a lot of different definitions. It can be used as the shortened version of emotional, emotionally unstable, emotion, etc. It also has become a genre. A lot of people have stereotyped emo, and like most stereotypes, a little of it CAN be true, but not completly. Some examples are
- All emos cut/slit their wrist
- They are always depressed
-Drama queens/kings
-Terrible with kids
There are a lot more, but these are actually a few of the least offensive I have come across. Again, there can be some truth to stereotypes, but most of it is made up.
Most 'Emos' are a bit emotionally sensitive (hence the name 'emo'), which isn't always a bad thing. They are just a little more aware of their emotions, and aren't afraid to show them. Some are. There also is a genre of music that is called Emo. This tends to get mixed up/combined with scene, goth, and punk.
Emo has become a fairly popular genre, hasn't it?
a person usualy between the age of 11 and 18 who wears tight jeans and brand hoodies
they are usualy from middle class white backgrounds and decide to become an emo because
A) they want to fit in (for some reason)
B) something very minor hapened in their life (like breaking up with some guy/girl) which they make a big deal of
C) they are confused
despite coming from semi privelaged backgrounds emo's usualy promote their life being shitty and hell and want to die
however as there is no real dramam in their lives they simply do this to get attention
The most hardcore Emo's are simply "pussy Goths"
"im an emo my life sucks kill me now WAAAAA"
"dude if you want to die it would contradict you being an emo cos then you would b happy"
"never mind, you baby"
Someone who wears skinny jeans and band tshirts. Wears alot of eyeliner and listens to bands like mcr, fob, p!atd and tøp with an exeption of paramore. Usually have a dark style.
Wow hes so emo with his mcr shirt and eyeliner...
Emo is a type of music, people can call themselves emo or goth or scene if they want there is no such thing as a "fake emo" or "poser goth" people can lable them selves however they want so stop calling people a wannabe or a poser. Yes alot of people who concider them selves 'goth' or 'emo' will wear black clothes and makeup just let people express them selves and have an oponion on who they are.
Twat: omg look what she is wearing she insnt even emo
Nice guy: look dude she can call herself what she wants leave her alone
Emotive Hardcore is an offshoot from hardcore punk which formed in the late 80s and was played throughout the 90s. The term "emo" was coined to such bands like Rites of Spring and Embrace and other bands with a more melodic hardcore sound and expressive lyrics, although some later bands experimented with a softer indie alternative sound as well. You can also say it was a term to describe the "sound" of the DC area of the time. However, if you ask any of the members, they would highly disapprove of this term and most likely mock it.
Emo is not dying your hair black, piercing your lip, and it's certainly not cutting your wrist, that's just a trend. Emo is a music genre that started in the 90s and ended in the 90s.
Emo bands:
-Rites of Spring
-Gray Matter
-Cap N' Jazz
A person who is emotional and sensitive
also known as Maeghan Mcgreck.
John:Oh your emo
John: classic meaghan mcgreck