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Facebook Profiling

Facebook Profiling refers to the use of an individual’s facebook page to stereotype or as a factor or judgment of their personailty type, this inculdes the number of friends, number of pictures of themselves, groups they belong too and status updates.

John: "Look at Jessica's facebook page she has over 3,000 pictures of herself she must be such an attention seeker"

Linda: "Dude, that's Facebook Profiling, you don't even know her, she is really a nice girl"

by mbocse September 17, 2010

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Facebook Guru

One who councils another late at night and gives them advice on their problems via facbook chat.

"I didn't know what to do until I talked to my facebook guru last night"

by orangecakeorangutang March 29, 2010

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The act of shameless self-promotion and or exploitation via social networking the way Facebook intended.

The way Peter Wacker broadcasts every single insignificant event in his pathetic life is such Facebook-ploitation.

by Shzae July 21, 2009

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facebook filler

People you don't really talk to on facebook, but you just keep in there to increase your volume of friends.

example 1:
"Hot woman on your wall there, bud..."

"Yeah, she's nice.
Oh wow, I haven't talked to her in... a year now.
Hmmm, I guess she's just a facebook filler."

example 2:
"Wow, 974 facebook friends, hey?
Mostly facebook fillers, I presume?"

by passdaDutchy June 30, 2010

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facebook foul

An individual who makes a ridiculous amount of statuses, always writes on everyone's wall, and overall just a news feed hog.

Mostly unnecessary wall posts, usually just for attention. The worst facebook foul's even wall post to people they have no real connection to.

Another component of a facebook foul is liking or commenting on things that the said person has nothing to do with. Wall posts for conversations are also a tell-tale sign of a chronic facebook foul.

Steve: "Dude, she just had 3 statuses, and 14 wall posts in 26 minutes.. :/"

John: "That's such a facebook foul"

by dicksandtits123 May 2, 2011

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Facebook weatherman

When people post status's of the weather outside..

John: Its snowing hella hard outside!

Alex: No shit dumbass.. quit being a facebook weatherman

by ThisniggafromEK January 6, 2011

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facebook scab

facebook scab: someone who adds random people they don't know as friends. usually to bring their friend count up to seem like they have a lot of friends

guy 1: "hey man, do you know this guy..........-.......? he just sent me a request" guy 2: " no man, i dont think i do, he's probably just a facebook scab,ignore it"

by puppykicker420 December 30, 2010

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